Tips for mother care after cesarean delivery


The postpartum period, the days after cesarean deliver are the most challenging ones. The after delivery mother care can be challenging for both the mother and her family. The things are even more difficult when the mother had a cesarean delivery. After cesarean delivery, a mother needs to take care of themselves and in such a situation it is better to hire a nurse or caretaker for them. The nurse who offer mother care after cesarean delivery knows what a mother wants at that time and how the new-born can get the best. After surgical delivery, a mother needs enough rest to allow her body to heal and there are also some restrictions on housework or activities.

Here are some tips on how to ensure best after delivery mother care:

  • ·         Before leaving the hospital to speak to our doctor regarding medications, guidance on how to ensure the best health for the mother & baby. Also, discuss breastfeeding and if you need to avoid certain things.

  •      You may experience heavy bleeding of bright red blood (lochia) which can continue up to 6 weeks. This happens because after delivery the uterus begins to shrink to its pre-pregnancy size. However, bleeding can differ from person to person. The lochia bleeding may change over time and can increase with heavy activity or the position can change.

  • ·         Mother care after cesarean delivery involves limited activity level until the mother’s health care provider advises. Initially, one should not lift anything heavier than the baby, and avoid housework.

  • ·         Drink plenty of fluids and eat healthy meals to restore your energy, fasten healing and prevent constipation.

Looking to hire professional after delivery mother care? Get in touch. 


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